You read correctly, I did write forth and not fourth.

Indeed we are about to celebrate 4th of July, United States’ Independence Day. This is the perfect day to celebrate going forth.

Independence day, but are we really independent?

We do depend on our roads, buses, and trains, and police, fire dept and many other public services. It’s all part of living in a civilized society. Granted there are a few who would prefer to not have these public services but we do know that overall being social beings we need a social structure.

That being said, we allow ourselves to be dependent sometimes too much and therefore not being true to our Self.

We may become dependent on a relationship and forget our boundaries and forgo our personal needs for that relationship. We may also become dependent on our job and again forgo our personal needs for growth in exchange for a perceived safety.

I wrote “forth” because, just as this burgeoning country decided long ago to forgo the benefits it was getting from the former “owner” in order to create its own future, so can we use this day to decide to let go of attachments that do not (or no longer) represent the best choice for our Self, for our growth.

What do you feel right now that would be for you? Don’t overthink it. The first thing, or two, is probably the best answer for you right. Write this down, and everything else that might come to you in association with it.

Keep reading this every day and ask yourself how you can accomplish this independence. Then, pay attention to clues and answers that will come to you. They can come from your thoughts, dreams, an article you read, a stranger in the street. Pay attention.

And if you want to go deeper would you prefer to participate in a workshop (in person or on the phone) or have a private coaching session? Hit reply to this message and let me know.

Enjoy this celebration and connect soon!